LEME - Laboratório de Ecologia Marinha e Estuarina

Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro

Campus Universitário de Santiago

3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal                                                    

Tel: +351 234 370 350

Fax: +351 234 372 587

LEME - laboratório de ecologia marinha e estuarina

The Laboratory of Estuarine and Marine Ecology (LEME) of the University of Aveiro comprises members of the Associated Laboratory CESAM and is located in the Biology Department. LEME is composed of the laboratory itself and the Biological Research Collection of Marine Invertebrates (COBI).

The group includes professors, researchers, graduate (PhD and MSc) and undergraduate students. LEME members have expertise and comprehensive training  in biological and marine sciences and are part of several national and international research programmes.

© LEME; Page created and maintained by Ana Hilario

Last modified: September 2018


In 2015 we organized the Deep-Sea Biology Symposium

Visit us on http://14dsbs.web.ua.pt or www.facebook.com/14dsbs

LEME’s current research focuses in four main lines:

1. Biodiversity and ecology of marine ecosystems;

2. Taxonomy, phylogeny and evolution of marine invertebrates;

3. Connectivity, colonization and succession in marine environments;

  1. 4.Marine conservation and anthropogenic impact on deep-sea ecosystems.